Blue Lock Manga Chapter 268

Blue Lock Manga Chapter 268

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Alright so today I’m back with yet another chapter review and today we will go over chapter 268 which is going to be something really special as we will see some insight from the users’ squad as well as the Masters. However, the real deal with this chapter is that we are finally seeing one of the main characters awakening and starting to evolve in this game, making himself a worthy opponent for Isagi. So I can definitely guarantee that it’s worth sticking around because it’s insane.

Chapter Overview

Alright so to start off Chapter 200 and 68, the text at the top says, “Even the users players can’t help but be in awe of Kaiser’s super goal.” This is exactly what we see as we start by seeing a crazy amount of comments about Kaiser’s goal on social media. Everyone is praising Kaiser for his incredible performance and someone even called Nest Trash, which is a bit harsh. After that, we see the whole users spectating the match closely. Senddo scratches his head and says that it was an amazing goal and that it was expected by the Emperor. But even then, Senddo is determined not to lose to Kaiser. However, this feels more like a one-sided rivalry if I’m honest.

User Reactions

Anyway. After that, Rur says that even Kaiser’s pose after scoring the goal was flashy and that it was one of the favorites to win the Super Flashy Protagonist Award, basically just Ru being Ru. We then see Niko, who says that now that Kaiser has stopped obsessing over Isagi, Bastard Munch has gotten much more versatile on the attack. Aik adds in by saying that they are a hell of a lot stronger than when they faced each other, and says that even though Bastard Munch is evolving behind him, we have Lorenzo, who’s almost drowning himself in popcorn, as he says that Kaiser’s goal just now was probably worth around 500 million dollars.

Lorenzo’s popcorn is going all over the floor so Senddo and Aru try to get him to stop. While those three are arguing, Baru is sitting calmly and wonders to himself what Isagi’s next move will be.

The Masters’ Insight

After that, we leave Uber Squad and instead go back to the match and to the Masters. Loki asks Noah if this is the evolution that he wants Kaiser to achieve. Noah says that it was but asks if it’s really okay for Loki to be interested in his players while his own players are falling apart. Loki has a smirk on himself as he says that it’s fine if they lose as he doesn’t care about the result.

However, he tells Noah to rest assured as his prized impish trickster will undergo another evolution soon enough, which I’m dying to see as Charles hasn’t been able to do that much recently. After that we see Shida who calls Kaiser’s goal a fantastic explosion. He asks PXG what they are going to do after this incredible goal. However, Shida is getting on Karasu’s nerves a bit as he tells him to shut up and calm down and tells him that first they have to peel that muscle head gorilla off Shida. Once they do that they should be able to create more chances. He turns to Zantetsu and asks if he’s good to go and Zantetsu, as dumb as he is, responds with “full course,” and it doesn’t take long for Karasu to say that it’s of course and calls him a dimwit. On the other side, we have Tokimitsu who is freaking out saying that this is really bad and that they are going to lose at this rate over and over again.

Rin’s Reflection

Nanase agrees and says that they need to switch things up before going to Rin and asking what the plan is. However, Rin is in a world of his own as he tells Nanase to shut up and that he is thinking. He thinks that Bastard’s momentum just won’t stop and for Kaiser not to be outdone by Isagi’s evolution, he evolved as well. However, Rin knows one thing for certain, which is that their chemical reaction is still incomplete. He looks over at them and thinks that if he’s going to destroy them, then it has to be right now and with that the game starts.

Ri starts with the ball but passes to Nanase and tells him to follow him while calling him a bumpkin who is an unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside and Nanase just agrees with it. With the ball at Nanase’s feet, he is thinking about what to do. He thinks that the first thing he has to do is build up and make a link with Rin. However, something that Nanase didn’t account for was that Isagi would be rushing towards him right as the match started. Nanase is caught off guard by this play and tries to defend the ball with his life, saying that he could have never predicted a frontal assault and calling it a demon press right from the start.

However, it isn’t only Asahi who is going on the attack as out of nowhere Hori also comes by. He tells Nanase that he is too slow and that they will be taking it. With no other choice, Nanase can only pass the ball back to Rin. However, as he passes the ball and sees it going towards Rin, someone interferes. It’s none other than the Emperor Kaiser who comes in between the ball and takes it for himself. Nanase is left speechless as he can’t figure out how the hell Kaiser got the read on that and Rin isn’t so pleased either. As Kaiser starts to sprint up on their field.

The Showdown

Rin starts to wonder if Isagi and Kaiser are actually working together. However, as he looks over to Isagi and Hori, he overhears them saying that Kaiser stole the ball and that they need to get it back. This clears things for Rin as he knows that he was wrong and that the two of them aren’t working together. Instead of saying that Isagi and Kaiser aren’t even considering working together, he compares them to a dragon and a tiger. As those two are battling each other for supremacy and by clashing their top performances against each other, those two are dominating them to the point of being obliterated. Sanetsu says that there’s no end to Bastard’s attacks. Karas screams at everyone to get back and to not worry about getting carded and just stop them, while Tokimitsu is just saying that it’s bad over and over again, kind of starting to get on my nerves, if I’m honest.

After them, we have Rin, who is a bit behind. He thinks to himself that he came here to destroy Asahi and that ever since he lost to him in the U-twenty match, he has devoted all his time and energy to getting ready for this match so that he could finally defeat him. However, in this match, Rin realizes that he’s nowhere near attaining that, saying that the state he was in during the U-twenty match, that level of concentration and that level of bloodlust, if he can be able to get to the point where he can enter that berserker state at will. He knows for certain that he can destroy Isagi and even say, but still at this rate, he’s just going to lose to Isagi.

Once again, he starts to wonder if it’s because Isagi’s rate of growth is way faster than his and says that right now he can’t see a path to victory. While this is happening, we see that Zantetsu and Karasu were able to steal the ball from Kaiser. Zantetsu shot away the ball which landed in the hands of Hii, who later passed it to Isagi.

Rin sees this and says that his feelings for revenge are getting crushed and his obsession is somehow being obliterated by Isagi. The screen goes black and he says that everything is soon going to be destroyed but then something happens. Rin starts to transform and a strange aura with darkness and eyes starts to go around him. Rin has finally entered the same state that he was in the U-twenty match and has gotten close to Isagi and says that this is it, saying that he needed the pressure that Isagi emanates to enter this state. And then Isagi looks at him and says that he saw him coming from a mile away and just like that, the duel which we’ve been most looking forward to is finally here. Isagi vs. Rin is finally going to go down.


Alright, so there you have it, my review of chapter 268. It has been an insane chapter with an insane build-up and I’m honestly really excited for the next chapter. What are your thoughts on the chapter? Did you enjoy it as much as I did? Who are you rooting for in the Isagi vs. Rin showdown? Be sure to let me know down below in the comments.

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Blue Lock Chapter 268, Blue Lock Manga, Isagi Yoichi, Soccer Manga, Best Striker, Manga Spoilers, Blue Lock Updates, Blue Lock Scans, Blue Lock Storyline, Blue Lock Competition

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